Accessing the AOD Reverse Classroom Videos
The online course videos are housed on You have been given a unique URL and a VIP CODE to access the videos. If you have not received a unique URL and VIP code, email [email protected]
NOTE: most browsers will allow you to watch the video at 1.25 or 1.5 speed or faster
Please follow the below instructions carefully
1) Use your URL link:
Click on your unique link or paste into a browser. This will bring you to Vimeo.
If you don't already have a Vimeo account, it may ask you to join Vimeo.
In most cases you can simply close the join window (see red arrow).
If you find the window requires you to join in-order to continue, it is free and should not require financial information.
Otherwise contact me at
[email protected]
2) Use your VIP access
Once you have joined Vimeo, scroll down until you will see the screen to the right. Click "Have VIP access?” (see red arrow below)
3) You will now be asked for your VIP access Code
4) Lastly you will be asked to “redeem” your code. Click “Continue"
5) Click “Watch Now”
You will be directed to the first video. IMPORTANT - the remaining videos will be found by scrolling down under the first video.
Now that you have a Vimeo account you can return to the page at any time to complete all six videos.
Note that most browsers will allow you to watch the videos at 1.25x and 1.5x speed.