Cost estimator
Three factors go into your cost estimate
Every workshop is different and likewise there is no one number that will fit all groups. Though the group is billed as a whole, the per-person cost is generally from $250 to $500 pp depending on the group size - the larger the group, the lower the per person cost. After a brief conversation AOD can give you a very accurate estimate of the group cost.
Some groups may want AOD to develop a per-person charge, to be paid by the learner. In general, this charge will be higher that group charging and will require a minimum number of registrants.
Group size
Pricing is based on 3 group sizes. The size is determined prior to the workshop so that the appropriate resources can be assured
<15 learners
16-30 learners
>30 learners
Within any one group size there is latitude given the day of the workshop since it may be difficult to know your staff's availability.